Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, until a child is enrolled with Alturas, an application must be completed each year to be included in the lottery. The waitlist does NOT carry over to the next year.
As directed by state statute we accept lottery applications for a specified period of time prior to the lottery. The date/time the lottery application is submitted has NO bearing on its standing in the lottery or the waitlist. This is something that we don't have any say over, again, we are adhering to the state statutes regarding Charter Schools. Any enrollment application submitted AFTER the lottery period is added to waitlists in the order they are received BELOW those submitted during the initial lottery enrollment period.
No. The only exception would be twins in the same grade.
The answer is simple: no. Again, we'd encourage you to hang tight and hope for the best! We certainly wish we could enroll every interested family. We're told by the state Charter Commission that waitlists are healthy, and a sign that we're a great educational choice. We sincerely hope to see your student enrolled!
The short answer: HANG TIGHT!
The longer answer: The initial waitlist sent following the lottery is strictly DRAW ORDER, the order that each student was randomized in the lottery. If you choose to register your first grader you will then have an "enrolled student". When our waitlists are shuffled (approximately every 2 weeks beginning mid-April) your fourth grader will be moved up on the waitlist. It is the goal of Alturas, and the goal of the state, to keep families together in schools. Eventually, we hope to see siblings enrolled together. In the worst-case scenario, you have children at different schools for a time. Our enrollment will fluctuate some throughout the school year. If your other child(ren) still didn't get in, they would enter next year's lottery as a "sibling" and be almost guaranteed a spot.
Alturas Academy North starts accepting applications the January before a child would start Kindergarten.
A child must turn 5 by September 1st of the year they will start kindergarten
Yes. All-day Kindergarten hours are 8:15am-3:20pm, and there is no charge.
School tours are offered from February through March.
There is no tuition at Alturas. We are a public charter school.
Yes, if the student resides at least 1.5 miles from Alturas, then bussing will be provided to a bus stop.