The IB Learner Profile
The International Baccalaureate’s objective is to build a love for life-long learning within its students. This journey begins within the Primary Years Program (PYP) and fosters itself within the Middle Years Program (MYP).
The ten characteristics of the Learner Profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. The Learner Profile inspires and motivates the work of the teachers, the students, and the school community by providing a statement of the aims and values of the IB and the definition of what is meant by “international-mindedness”.
Open-minded – Willing to experience and grow through the understanding of their culture while gaining an appreciation of other cultures and alternative points of view.
Thinker – Critical and creative when approaching complex problems for the purpose of making reasoned and ethical decisions.
Communicators – Effective with collaboration with others while confidently and creatively using a variety of communication tools.
Principled – Honest and act with integrity, as well as a strong sense of fairness, while taking responsibility for their own actions and accepting the consequences that accompany them.
Inquirers – Naturally curious because of they have been instilled with the necessary skills to conduct inquiry and research.
Reflective – Able to evaluate and understand their strengths and limitations through careful consideration of their learning and personal development.
Knowledgeable – Able to explore concepts, ideas, and issues that have local and global significance and develop a deeper understanding across multiple disciplines.
Risk-Takers – Independent to explore new roles, unfamiliar ideas, and uncertain situations with courage and the empowerment to articulate when defending their beliefs.
Caring – Empathetic, compassionate, and respectful towards the needs and feelings of others in order to make a positive difference to others and to the environment through a personal commitment to service.
Balanced – Conscientious of the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance.